- Fix: shortcode block in WP 6.2
- Feature: the creation of multiple membership area access from one Digistore24 order now possible
- Feature: IP lock can be removed for a single user
- Maintenance: license error email text improved
- Maintenance: feedback dialog improved
- Maintenance: small security improvement for exams
- Maintenance: small CSS adaption for WP 6.1
- Maintenance: small adaption for PHP 8.0 support
- Fix: problem regarding having many exams on the same page solved
- Fix: small error in API solved
- Fix: when duplicating a product, the welcome e-mail text gets duplicated as well
- Maintenance: changes in German translation for the admin area
- Maintenance: typos removed
- Maintenance: broken link repaired
- Maintenance: Correction feature organization
- Feature: ds_cancel Shortcode added - creates a button with a link to the generic or order-specific cancel pages from Digistore24
- Feature: ds_cancel_form shortcode added - creates a form to communicate a generic cancellation desire
- Feature: improved error handling if login request fails due to the server (e.g. IP locks from Raidboxes)
- Maintenance: updating the name Klick-Tipp to KlickTipp
- Maintenance: describing texts improved
- Maintenance: error handling CSV import improved
- Feature: first and last name to ds_account shortcode added
- Feature: Changing first and last name of members is synchronized with autoresponders
- Feature: Order date is transferred to KlicktTipp as a “date and time”
- Feature: unlock options extended by “... last published post and all content created since the day of purchase"
- Maintenance: DigiMember automatically does not load Google Fonts anymore
- Maintenance: Improvement of Digistore24 connection
- Maintenance: typo removed
- Maintenance: small code improvement
- Fix: problem while using ds_preview with certain menu settings on pages solved
- Fix: problem while protecting custom post types solved
- Fix: problem solved for updating first and last names for repeated orders
- Fix: Strip connection can show more than 10 products
- Fix: Hotfix - login logging for manual Digistore24 connections
- Feature: payment provider ID can be configured for CSV import
- Feature: order deactivation per webhook possible
- Feature: login logging for Digistore24 orders with 0 days right of revocation
- Maintenance: error message for Active Campaign improved
- Maintenance: Stripe payment link implementation updated
- Maintenance: various warning messages removed
- Fix: typo in tooltip removed
- Fix: typo in autoresponder description removed
- Fix: Compatibility with Elementor - comments can be protected
- Fix: Problem with sending welcome e-mails with “... only if this is the first order EVER for the given email address” option solved
- Feature: Zapier - order cancellation and refund now possible
- Fix: small problem at the “downloads left” counter solved
- Fix: improved error handling for unusual e-mail formats
- Fix: Correct display of error pages for time-based activation of pages that are assigned to multiple products
- Fix: Small code improvement for opening the shortcode list
- Feature: product URL can be used as a parameter in DigiMember emails
- Feature: WP nickname can be configured in DigiMember
- Feature: additional fields can now be send to MailChimp
- Maintenance: database check for product priority improved
- Maintenance: database check for e-mail attachments improved
- Maintenance: multiple code improvements for base functionality
- Maintenance: feedback form improved
- Maintenance: spelling improved
- Fix: Shortcode Designer - URLs are saved correctly
- Fix: Forms: selection of necessary selections repaired
- Fix: Problem while sending test emails solved
- Fix: GetResponse - adding contacts to different lists now possible and additional fixes
- Fix: CleverReach - DOI won’t be executed again after resubscribing contacts who already accepted
- Fix: Menus - rare display problem solved
- Feature: E-Mails - An attachment can be added to the welcome e-mail
- Feature: Forms - Shortcodes can now directly be copied from the table overview
- Feature: Shortcodes page offers the possibility to generate shortcodes directly
- Feature: Error handling - Priority can be set if content is assigned to multiple products
- Maintenance: Feedback dialog improved
- Maintenance: Deprecated GetResponse autoresponder configuration removed
- Maintenance: DigiMember now fully supports emojis
- Fix: Custom select fields are displayed correctly in DigiMember forms
- Feature: Custom Fields Shortcode - Blank space before and after the shortcode now customizable
- Feature: DigiMember Shortcodes added to new WordPress Widget Editor
- Maintenance: Klicktipp - error handling improved
- Maintenance: Quentn - error handling improved
- Maintenance: ActiveCampaign - error handling improved
- Maintenance: Digistore24 connection UI improved
- Maintenance: type safety in DigiMember improved
- Fix: Divi - Multiple UI problems fixed
- Fix: Custom Fields - Selection field shortcode fixed
- Fix: Users with a locked account due to exceeding the IP limit cannot ask for a new password anymore
- Feature: GetResponse - Rest API Version 3 added
- Fix: shortcode designer - “Forgot your password?” link fixed
- Fix: shortcode designer - “Copy to clipboard” functionality fixed
- Fix: Mailjet - List selection now possible for large list count (> 10)
- Fix: CleverReach REST - ensuring unique order IDs
- Hotfix: Overwriting of background and link colour in WP backend fixed
- Feature: DigiMember forms added
- Maintenance: Support-Info extended with theme name and domain
- Maintenance: Welcome screen added
- Maintenance: Menu order improved
- Fix: Typo in exam text removed
- Maintenance: Selection of Waiver Declaration improved
- Maintenance: Unnecessary PHP warning upon DB table creation catched
- Maintenance: Feedback dialog for DigiMember free improved
- Maintenance: Log entry for irrevocable deletion of orders added
- Maintenance: Support-Info URL improved to Support-Info button
- Maintenance: Duplicate constant definition removed
- Maintenance: Usability for many Quentn/Maropost Tags (>8 ) improved
- Maintenance: Custom Fields transmission for ActiveCampaign added
- Fix: Wrong error message in shortcode designer removed
- Fix: Error handling for exam certificates improved
- Fix: Rare problem for sending DigiMember actions fixed
- Feature: Feedback option for DigiMember Free added
- Feature: DigiMember If block for Gutenberg Editor added
- Feature: Synchronisation of Custom Fields to KlickTipp, Quentn and CleverReach added
- Maintenance: Digistore24 API updated
- Maintenance: Error handling improved for shortcode designer
- Maintenance: Exam resetting improved
- Bugfix: Stripe integration: Pricing in DigiMember corrected
- Feature: Custom fields can be created and used within the shortcodes ds_account and ds_signup.
- Maintanance: Usability for many KlickTipp Tags (>8 ) improved.
- Bugfix: Small fix regarding sequential content activation in combination with fixed product activation.
- Bugfix: TwentyTwenty Theme: Posts can be protected correctly
- Maintenance: Error handling for ds_account improved
- Maintenance: Removing old Stripe integration and improving of new Stripe integration (Stripe Pricing API)
- Feature: Integration for CleverReach REST API version 3 added
- Bugfix: Fixed an issue with error reporting in Mailchimp
- Bugfix: Fixed an issue with older WP versions
- Bugfix: Inactive products won't be displayed in [ds_products] anymore
- Bugfix: Fixed an issue where an empty menu would be displayed on the website after saving a post
- Bugfix: Various fixes for PHP > 7.4
- Bugfix: Fixed a redirect issue in the [ds_login] code
- Feature: Added new stripe integration (old one will continue to work)
- Feature: Makes it possible to pass keyed values to webhooks
- Maintenance: Various improvements for page builder plugins
- Maintenance: Performance improvements in access checks
- Another fix for Wordpress v5.5 and sending mails when the config is not valid
- HOTFIX update for Wordpress v5.5
- Bugfix: Fix for a change in mail sending in Wordpress v5.5
- Bugfix: Default layouts in shortcode designer were being ignored
- Bugfix: Incorrect notification about max user count is fixed
- Maintenance: Made webhook function compatible to OptimizePress 3 forms
- Maintenance: Increased timeout for fetching digistore products (the request could fail on too many products)
- Feature: Added sortcode designer
- Bugfix: Fixed a bug in sequential unlocks of content
- Bugfix: Fixed a bug when not having account lock message
- Bugfix: Solved a small issue with Cleverreach
- Bugfix: Fixed use of deprecated WordPress functions
- Bugfix: Fixed issue with a specific error for incoming payment provider IPNs
- Bugfix: Fixed an issue for getting the error "Headers already sent" while running cronjobs
- Bugfix: A user would sometimes get an additional product under very specific circumstances
- Bugfix: Fixed small compatibility issue with PHP 7.4
- Bugfix: Fixed an issue with push notifications
- Bugfix: Makes paypal integration work with subscription buttons
- Feature: Added API key management for use with Zapier
- Bugfix: Improved compatibility with various theme builder plugins (including Optimize Press 3, Elementor, etc.)
- Bugfix: Fixed various design issues
- Bugfix: Fixed various translation issues
- Bugfix: Resolved bug with GetResponse integration
- Bugfix: Solved a problem with not yet unlocked content in menus
- Maintenance: Improved translations
- Bugfix: Solved an issue with the login after autojoin
- Bugfix: Fixed some minor visual glitches
- Bugfix: Solved a problem with the delayed content release
- Bugfix: Resolved small issue with the lecture buttons widget
- Bugfix: Fixed an issue with sending many mails at the same time
- Bugfix: Fixed an issue with the free version of DigiMember
- Bugfix: A few visual problems with the new design got fixed
- Bugfix: Fixed GetResponse auto responder connection
- Bugfix: Could not select depth level for menus
- Bugfix: Preview of auto login links for KlickTipp autoresponder did not work
- Maintenance: Fixed compatibility issue with "All In One WP Security" plugin
- Feature: Completed auto join function for ActiveCampaign autoresponder
- Bugfix: Shortcode [ds_days_left] showed old value after a product has been purchased again
- Bugfix: Shortcode [ds_lecture_buttons] have not been displayed correctly in certain courses
- Bugfix: Menu widget showed deleted pages under certain circumstances
- Bugfix: Link in password forgotten email lead to an empty page under certain conditions
- Feature: Quentn has been added to autoresponders
- Feature: Gutenberg editor integration has been added
- Bugfix: Forgot password dialog, after failed login attempt, couldn't be submitted
- Bugfix: Duplicate email addresses with different casing would cause errors on register
- Bugfix: Button "Retry exam" would show twice in certain cases
- Bugfix: Indentation of the menu widget did not reflect content configuration in some cases
- Bugfix: [ds_invoices] shortcode would show an error when manually created orders were present
- Bugfix: [ds_invoices] shortcode could cause an error when no digistore connection is present
- Bugfix: Elementor pages would sometimes not be protected correctly
- Feature: Improved controls for the content assignment list when many posts / pages are present
- Maintenance: Mailjet API updated.
- Maintenance: Improved Thrive Architect compatibility.
- Bugfix: Protected posts displayed all posts on the blog under certain circumstances.
- Bugfix: Custom locked user message was not displayed.